Welcome to Winchester Poetry Festival
Winchester Poetry Festival - 10-12 October 2025

Winchester Poetry Festival events in 2025
Winchester Poetry Festival is a biennial festival, with our next full festival taking place in-person 10-12 October 2025, with online and pop-up events and workshops prior to this.
We also host and collaborate on poetry events throughout the year, the details and ticket links for which are below.
Where possible, key events will be BSL interpreted and live-streamed. We ensure that as many activities as possible are free to attend, to ensure everyone feels able to participate. Donations are welcomed (link at bottom of page)​
To keep up to date with all events and activities please sign up to our enewsletter.

Pathways From Protest to Purpose with Dr Jo Nurse + the Hampshire Poet
New Forest Heritage Centre, Lyndhurst​​
Friday 14th March - Sunday 6th April 2025
This exhibition is inspired by the successful 1871 campaign, led by New Forest artists, to legally protect the New Forest as a local, national and international treasure*.
Today, we face a Climate Emergency that affects all of us, wherever we live. We want to continue this great tradition of using Art to encourage people to work together and preserve The Forest for future generations.
We’ll use painting, poetry & film to explore the idea of choosing our path to create the world that we want. We’ll also invite visitors to share their own ideas on an interactive ‘Rainbow Path’ installation.
As locals, we are immersed in the daily life of the Forest. As artists, we’re inspired by its natural beauty and diversity and want to involve people in creative activities to promote positive change.
Damian and Jo have worked in the NHS. They have also worked on national and international public health programmes to tackle the challenges of our changing climate.
*“Art and Protest” by Charlotte Yeldham.
The Hampshire Poet 2024-26 is Damian Kelly-Basher. The scheme is a partnership between Winchester Poetry Festival and Hampshire Cultural Trust
Dr Jo Nurse is a New Forest Artist and Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science

WPF presents: Poetry Hub at Bournemouth Writing Festival​
The Bandstand, Lower Gardens, BH1 2BY​​
Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th April 2025
Winchester Poetry Festival is delighted to be curating a weekend of free poetry activities as part of Bournemouth Writing Festival 2025.
Join us for two days of drop-in activities inspiring wordplay and expression through poetry. Suitable for all ages and abilities, and facilitated by experienced poets and writers. Dive in!
10:30 - 12pm: A Home For Your Word: poetry zine-making with AJ Hardingson
1 - 2:30pm: Poems of Protest and Empowerment: with Write Beyond Borders
3:30 - 5pm: Poetry sharing session: theme of WATER with Susmita Bhattacharya
10:30 - 12pm: In Their Own Words: cut-up poetry with Damian Kelly-Basher
1 - 2:30pm: Exploring Mindfulness Through Sound: with Adriana Lord
3:30 - 5pm: Poetry sharing session: theme of OUR NATURE IN NATURE with Pauline Rutter
Contribute your words to the Community Poem, guided by Estelle Phillips
Get a free token to use on the Poetry Vending Machine provided by National Trust
The Poetry Hub is FREE at attend, all resources provided, suitable for all ages, just show up!

Writing For Wellbeing with Hampshire Poet*
(for UHS staff on International Nurses Day)
Wellbeing Hub's Group Room, Southampton General Hospital
Monday 12th May 2025
4:30 - 6pm
Southampton Hospitals Charity UK and Hampshire Poet Damian Kelly-Basher invite University Hospital Southampton staff to take part in this writing for wellbeing workshop for International Nurses Day​
The Hampshire Poet 2024-26 is Damian Kelly-Basher. The scheme is a partnership between Winchester Poetry Festival and Hampshire Cultural Trust​
*This event is open to UHS staff only - please scan the QR code for details
Please note, tickets for Winchester Poetry Festival events are bookable directly from this page. Please do not purchase tickets from resale websites/marketplaces. Tickets for collaborative events may be hosted by other platforms. You can find our refund policy here.
If you have queries regarding tickets, or are concerned your ticket is not valid please email hello@winchesterpoetryfestival.org