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Friends of Winchester Poetry Festival

The festival is an independent charitable trust and, although it has the support of Arts Council, local business, trusts and foundations, it needs the support of Friends to ensure its continuity, and especially its work in fostering the appreciation, practice and enjoyment of poetry.


Supporting the festival directly through your Friendship will bring you the company of like-minded people who share your love of literature and poetry. You can also enjoy regular information about the festival and its plans, and know you are helping the festival develop its educational and community projects throughout the year.


Friends of Winchester Poetry Festival receive the following benefits:


  • Invitations to the annual spring reception with a distinguished writer and to special talks and events during the year

  • Regular updates on the development and progress of the Festival, its programme and activities

  • Priority booking for Festival events


You can become a friend of Winchester Poetry Festival by:​



OR by:



Friends of Winchester Poetry Festival, c/o Faculty of Arts, University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester, SO22 4NR


Any queries contact our Friends Administrator.

The benefits


Festival Scribes

For £25 a year you can enjoy the following:


  • Priority booking for festival events

  • Regular news and information about Festival developments

  • Your name published (if you wish) on the festival website and in the festival brochure


Young Festival Scribes

  • As above for £15 per year (under 21)


Festival Bards

For £50 a year you can enjoy the following:


  • Invitation to an annual reception and other occasional events

  • Priority booking for festival events

  • Regular news and information about festival developments

  • Your name published (if you wish) on the festival website and in the festival brochure


Festival Laureates

For £100 a year you can enjoy the following:


  • Invitation to an annual reception and other occasional events

  • Priority booking for festival Events

  • Regular news and information about festival developments

  • Your name published (if you wish) on the festival website and in the festival brochure

Join or renew your membership here

We are very grateful to all our individual supporters. Special thanks to the Friends of Winchester Poetry Festival.



Viscountess Bridgeman CBE

Felicity Calderari

Damian Carlton

Tony and Allene Cavender

Vanessa Davis

Nicky Gottlieb

Carrie & Viv Nixson

Jon Whitfield QC

Dr Susan Wilson




David Anderson

Alex Barker

His Honour Guy Boney QC

Mary Cherry

Mrs Anthea Del Mar

Vicki Fletcher

The Rev'd Amanda Goulding

Jane Llewellyn

Joan McGavin

Bob Niddrie

Maureen Niddrie

Simon Olding

Patsy Rath

Wynn Rees

Baroness Thomas of Winchester

Caroline York

Richard York





Alys Blakeway

Ruth Chase

Janice Coates

Jane Draycott

Jean Forster

Jean Guevara

Lesleyanne Hatt

Isabel Hughes

Christine Knight

Rev Philip Morgan

Victoria Muers-Raby

Lynda O’Neill

Kate Raines

Eleanor W

Caroline Wigley

Charmian Steven

Vanessa Martin

Sally Holden



Young Scribes


Miriam Oliver






A Friendly Enthusiast

And other Friends who wish to remain anonymous


Donate with PayPal

We are committed to keeping our tickets prices low, and in many cases completely free - this ensures everyone feels welcome and able to attend.

Your donations help us to achieve this.

Any donation towards ensuring we can continue this commitment would be greatly appreciated.


Click the button to be taken to a secure PayPal payment page.



© 2014 / Winchester Poetry Festival is a Registered Charity Number: 1150997

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