Welcome to Winchester Poetry Festival
Winchester Poetry Festival - 10-12 October 2025

Call/Brief for Digital production services
The 2021 Festival will take us on a journey of poetry with an innovative 'summer series' of monthly online events (May-September), featuring a leading poet, a workshop, in-conversation sessions, and a reading group based on their work, gathering momentum as it moves to its culmination with, we hope, a live, face-to-face, Festival Weekend in October (8-10) featuring leading contemporary poets, a number of showcase readings, conversations, workshops, and community activities.
To make this happen we need a producer for a range of digital events.
Digital production/conferencing services required

Winchester Poetry Festival is seeking to commission digital production/conferencing services from either a freelance digital producer or a digital production company to manage a series of digital events via Zoom (or similar as required) for its 2021 Festival. This year, the Festival will take place over 6 weekends between May and what we hope will be a live culmination festival weekend in October 2021. An indicative schedule of events and production requirements can be seen here.
The appointed person/company will be expected to advise on solutions and to manage the digital delivery of events across a six-month period to makes these smooth, efficient, and professionally produced. Winchester Poetry Festival (WPF) has always ensured high quality in its work and presentations and wishes to ensure that this continues during the delivery of its programme online.
Traditionally, WPF delivers its Festival over a long weekend in October. The 2020 festival was planned for October 2020 but had to be postponed due to Covid Restrictions.
While it had been hoped to return to a fully live festival for October 2021, continuing uncertainly has led to WPF exploring different and innovative ways of presenting its festival programme. We have decided therefore to ‘stretch’ the festival across a 6-month period presenting a series of Festival ‘Shots’ (one-day events – with 3 or so sessions per day - which capture the essence and activity of the festival) from May to October.
Currently there are plans for 30 events (a mix including Workshops, Webinars, Talks, Readings, Discussions, Prizegiving Ceremony) across this 6-month period – see attached schedule. These will take place on the following dates:
8 May
12 June
10 July
14 August
12 September
8/9/10 October (live events if/as feasible)
For the full brief see the Call for Digital Production/Conferencing Services document.
To discuss the brief, or for more information, please contact hello@winchesterpoetryfestival.org